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42' Express HT 2013

42 Express 2007 & 38' El Bravo 2004

Why did you choose Henriques over other boat builders?    

My husband and I are avid in-shore fishermen and were looking to move up from our trailerable 24’ Grady White walkaround.

We found that the larger outboards did not have the same fishability as our existing boat. We researched express sports fishermen and found that the hull design and layout of the 28’ Henriques was perfect for our style of fishing. One trip to the factory and a cruise with Manny and we were sure this was the boat design for us.


What do you like most about your Henriques?

The hull design, large fishing platform, engine maintenance accessibility, combined with a comfortable cabin layout make this boat capable and comfortable for two, while offering greater opportunity and range for  adventures with friends and family.


Tell us about your favorite experience on a Henriques:

Our maiden voyage after closing on the 28’ Henriques was 210 miles. We left from Salisbury, MA, rounded Cape Ann, cruised past Boston and headed through the Cape Cod Canal. We then fished and overnighted on Cuttyhunk Island. The next morning we stopped to fish off Block Island before heading home to our marina in Milford, CT. The boat performed effortlessly, raised several fish, and turned heads wherever we went.

Mary & Kevin Cornell

28 Express 2006

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I run a tuna charter out of Ilwaco, Washington.  

Twice a day I cross the roughest piece of water in

North America, the Columbia River Bar, known as the graveyard of the pacific. I needed a big, fast seaworthy boat with a big cockpit and big fish boxes. I did tons of research on the web and called a bunch of east coast charter captains to talk boats. Literally, every single captain I talked to told me to buy a Henriques. I flew out to NJ, met Manny, toured the factory, and struck a deal on a 42’ express. My wife and I then ran the boat home from FL to WA, through the Panama Canal.  It was an amazing trip and our Henriques never let us down. It is hard to pick just one thing about my Henriques.  The build quality is the best I have ever seen (I have owned a Viking and Bertram). Everything is easy to get to and the engine room is huge for a 42’ boat. The most impressive thing is the ride.  We have run down 60’ convertibles on rough days and plugged the boat when none of the other charters could leave the dock. The rougher it gets the more my Henriques impresses me. The ride quality and huge cockpit make it the best tuna boat, period.  My crew and I love our Henriques so much that we are looking at adding a second one to our charter soon. After a 4,000 mile trip and 60 charter trips I can guarantee you will not find a better boat or better services than Henriques. Henriques, the best boats and the best people.

Captain Mike Colbach

42 Express 2007

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Why did you choose Henriques over other boat builders?  

Reputation, both for the quality of the boats and customer service.  Seakeeping and fish ability. Fit and finish. Cockpit size.

What do you like most about your Henriques? 

I charter as well as live on my boat in the summer.  There is ample space to do both. Customers are amazed at the cockpit size and when we are fishing she is very stable whether trolling or drifting. I have a comfortable home on the water and the fish ability and sea keeping is amazing.


Tell us about your favorite experience on a Henriques:  

I went through the purchase and build process of a 42' Henriques express for my former employer, then ran that boat for five years covering over 18,00 NMI on her before she was sold. Since that job ended I have delivered several Henriques boats as far as Cancun Mexico and two years ago I bought a used one for myself, so I have a great deal of experience on their boats in various weather and sea conditions. and I can tell you there are no surprises in the handling and sea keeping. I love these boats so it is hard to choose a favorite experience. Customer service! When I first met the Henriques family I was the employee of a customer. Going through the building I was at their shop at least once a week and most times I had something I wanted to add or change. Never did Manny say no. If he didn't like my idea he would explain why it wouldn't work and came up with a better way to accomplish what I  wanted. I was always greeted with a smile and a warm welcome. They treated me like it was my money building that boat. Now I have my own Henriques and love it and them. The customer service I have received for the last ten years is my greatest experience.

Captain John Lewis

44 Flybridge 1989

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I am a captain of a 68’ Viking which I feel is a very nice boat, but I wanted to let you know I brought a 42’ Henriques from Florida to Cape Cod this week. The owner’s name is Sandy Will. Pound for pound this is the nicest and best constructed 42’ I have driven to date. Youguy’s did your homework. She is definitely a battle wagon. Un-forecasted 25 mph headwinds at Hatteras revealed its’ integrity. I virtually had zero problems in the thirteen hundred miles. I also delivered his 38’ with the same results. The last leg was yesterday from Atlantic City to the cape in 20 to 30 southwest. Downwind I know, but still occasional 10 foot seas. 240 miles of water that looked like the head of beer with again zero problems. GREAT JOB! I would take this boat anywhere with confidence.




Capt. Mike White

Captain Mike White
Sandy Will

42' Express HT 2013

42 Express 2007

38' El Bravo 2004

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There are several reasons I purchased a Henriques vessel.  This is the third boat I purchased from the company, the first being a 35' Maine Coaster in 1998, followed by a 42' flybridge  in 2011, and the 50 in 2015. You cannot buy a better boat for the money.. The 50 is unique; it is fast, comfortable and incredibly sea-worthy and sturdy. The semi-custom work is great, from the woodwork to the mezzanine and all the available options. The cockpit is enormous and recently I had 10 fishermen comfortably angling. There is no boat quite like it in this size. I have taken the boat from New England to Florida and wherever I go fishermen love the layout. The ride is fantastic in all seas.The best part of ownership is how the Henriques family stands behind the customer. Manny is all too eager to please and any all problems (and they are few) are handled promptly. I put many custom touches on the build and the experience at the factory was great. They are proud of their boats and enjoy the customer input.As far as my favorite experiences with the boat are concerned, there are many. From tournament fishing, to over-nighting at the canyon or traveling to Florida, the vessel gives a wonderful sense of security and toughness, while transporting you in luxury. Henriques builds really unique vessels with serious fishing in mind.

Mike Harrer

38 Flybridge 2000

I out grew my 2000 38 Henriques as we fish exclusively offshore. I looked for a larger used boat from Connecticut to Florida. It amazed me that the hundreds of boats that I looked at, all over 50 feet, had smaller cockpits than my 38 Henriques. The lack of strength and solid build that Henriques provides is missing on most other boats that I boarded and examined. I did not want the expense of a NEW boat when I could buy a used boat for ½ the price. Henriques Yachts made my decision to build a new Henriques easier than expected. I contracted the first 50 Henriques in 15 years from the Factory. There is NO other boat made that has 190 square feet of cockpit in this class. The cockpit sells the boat! Again it would have been ½ the price to buy a used boat but I opted to build a 50 Henriques. This is why; A solid fiberglass hull with no coring below the waterline, Virtually two piece construction bonding the top cabin/cockpit to the hull for unsurpassed strength, Quality materials used throughout the build, Personal attention to my every request, Complete customization throughout the process from fuel tank placement/cabin configuration/rod holder placement/flybridge configuration/exhaust portals/cockpit cabinets/fish boxes etc etc etc. Henriques and I worked together throughout every phase of the build. This 50 is one of a kind because Henriques Yachts builds each yacht that way. I now have 1000 hours on my 2014 50 Henriques. She never gives me a problem. I receive follow-up calls from the factory annually to check how she is doing. I know, without reservation, if I need anything from Henriques Yachts for my boat they will immediately take care of it. This quality superior customer service is only seen with Henriques Yachts staff. As an owner of an Henriques I am also part of the Henriques family which is a very select crew! I am the happiest boat owner alive! I really feel that way!!! I am so satisfied with Henriques Yachts that I will be building another larger boat one day and it will be another Henriques

Mike Harrer

50 Flybridge 2014

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Greetings. Captain Stephen Rhodes III of the LEGACY from Staten Island, NY.

We owned hull #3 of the 38 Flybridge series from 1991 to 1999 and

then had hull #2 of the 35 Express series custom built in early, 1999.

The boat was launched in May, 1999 and we have had 16 fantastic

seasons on the Express. We have now owned Henriques yachts for 25 years since 1991. I can't believe that we bought our first Henriques the same year I graduated college!

Why did you choose Henriques over other boat builders?    

Three main factors: Cockpit size, Sea handling & Engine room access

No other builder comes close to building a boat that fishes as hard. Neither hull had any stress cracks and we have experienced some big storms over the last 25 years.

What do you like most about your Henriques?

Ease of use of the 35 Express. Everything on the boat is only a few steps away from the main helm, where I spend most of my time. I can jump into the cockpit action very easily and help land tuna or striped bass and get back to the helm in moments. I can also keep an eye on my sons and their friends when they are down in the cabin to make sure they are safe when we are running to the grounds. The helm area seats 6 comfortably and makes conversation easy on the long runs offshore.  Engine room access ranks a close second. The amount of room in the 35 Express engine room is unequaled in its class. We do all our own maintenance and all items are within easy reach. This has saved us tens of thousands of dollars in cost over the past 25 years. Cockpit storage is the final area that I will highlight. The below deck fishboxes can store 4 bigeye tuna in the 150 pound class plus 20 yellowfin tuna in the 50-80 pound class with plenty of ice. Super important for the canyon fisherman.

Tell us about your favorite experience on a Henriques:

It would be tough to nail down one particular experience that outshines the others. My main goal in owning the Henriques has been to bring together three generations in my family for adventure and bonding. My two sons have grown closer to their grandfather on the ocean by seeing his years of wisdom put into action on the ocean. When other boats are having a tough time catching striped bass, my sons have seen their grandfather troll his custom spoons to land bass after bass for them. That experience and passing down the legacy of saltwater fishing is priceless.The most memorable experience on our 38 flybridge was catching the New Jersey state record thresher shark of 588 pounds and winning the FCO Shark Tournament in June, 1997. 

Captain Stephen Rhodes

38 Flybridge 1991

35 Express 1999

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In late Sept 2017 I was caught in the Hudson canyon in the remnants of hurricane Maria on a friends’ 34’ express.  We were shooting an overnight weather window which invariably moved in much faster than expected. By mid-morning the wind reached 40+ and we were in a very “uncomfortable” situation.  After the capt called on a buddy boat in a 44’ Henriques to follow behind, I watched that boat blast through steady 10’ers without flinching for over 8 hours at 10kts to lead us home. It was truly a site to behold. He could have made much better time but, we could not. I was already wanting to upgrade my 31 express at the time and that sealed the deal for me.


In spring of 2018 I closed on my 35 Express in West Palm and steamed her home.  From day one, she was tested and performed far beyond my expectations. These hulls literally push back and slide through the ocean.  You have to take it through some slop to truly appreciate the prowess of these vessels. The fishing workflow is second to none. Wide open down the center, opening up to an enormous cockpit.  The subtle design details cannot be fully appreciated until you need them to work for you, like center hatch engine room access while under way. I am constantly complimented by crew members on how comfortable her layout and ride are.  It’s an offshore fishing marvel dressed in timeless yet, purposeful lines. Customer service level is a personal phone call directly from the owner within 24hrs or less. 


There is a distinct sense of pride that comes along w owning a brand like Henriques that is so universally respected in any corner of the world.  I am proud to own one.


PS – These boats raise fish!


Chris Mooney

35 Express “Kill Box”

Chris Mooney

35 Express

"Kill Box"

BAYVILLE, New Jersey 08721

T: 732-269-1180
F: 732-269-1606


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LANOKA HARBOR, New Jersey 08734

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